Monday, January 25, 2010

First blog

Okay, so this is my first blog ever and I am still trying to figure out how to use the thing. Its been a long time since my "livejournal" days.

I am making this mainly for my Art Seminar class, but I think it will also be a good tool to share and save thoughts, ideas, questions, and so forth.

I'll start with a concept photo project that I did this past month involving colors and food. It is a very simple, obvious idea, but I enjoy working with color and wanted to branch out from what I usually do. Conceptual photography has always been an interest of mine, but never something I pursued or tried myself. So here is my stab at it...
^^Go there for full series

-Nikon D50
-Nikon 50mm f/1.8
-Nikon SB600 Flash / SC-28 TTL Flash Cord
-Food coloring (took quite a few tries to get the RIGHT color)
-Home-made Softbox (Cardboard box, white paper, white tissue paper)

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