Monday, April 26, 2010

Artist Statement

Finally wrote my artist statement for Fine Art Seminar. Kept it short and sweet.

Growing up I was always a simple kid who appreciated the simplicities in life. Although I have grown now, and life too has grown more complex, I still retain those same childhood values.
As a photographer, my inspiration comes from those simple, overlooked, and sometimes mundane pieces of life that are often taken for granted. From the unique texture of old peeling paint, to a delicate raindrop jumping from a flower, or just a simple concept or idea, I seek to capture the essence that all of these things hold, yet go unnoticed.
Someone once told me, “You could be among a beautiful landscape, yet you would be bent over taking a photo of a rock or discarded cigarette butt on the ground.” I have always laughed at and held true to this statement because it bests describes me as an artist as well as a person; for the ordinary is extraordinary to me.

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